Albedo est un terme latin introduit au XVIIIè s. en optique et signifie blancheur. Albedo est le pouvoir réfléchissant d'une surface. C'est une grandeur sans dimension.
Le narrateur s'invite dans une image passive en noir et blanc. Un reflet s'échappe de l'image active en couleurs. Chaque tableau rappelle que la vie terrestre provient de la mer et l'Homme n'y fait pas exception. Réfléchir l'essence de la vie sur terre: Vert comme la chlorophylle, Bleu comme l'eau, Rouge comme notre sang.
Ma démarche photographique: Héraclite : « Si vous n'attendez pas l'inattendu vous n'atteindrez pas la vérité ». Et dans l'esprit de Pierre Courthion : «Il faut cultiver le don rare de transformer en vision intuitive l'extrême qualité de la substance». On ne peut être qu'humble face à la forme, la couleur, la matière et la lumière (des photons) sans quoi la photographie ne pourrait exister.
Albedo is originating from latin language meaning whiteness. Albedo is the reflecting property of a surface. It's a phenomenon without dimension.
The narrator invites himself into a passive black and white image. A reflection escapes from the active color image. Each creation reminds us that life on Earth comes from the sea and Man is no exception. Reflect the essentials of Life : Green like chlorophyll, Blue like water, Red like blood.
My photographer's approach: Heraclitus: "If you do not wait for the unexpected you will not reach the truth". Pierre Courthion: "We must cultivate the rare gift of transforming into an intuitive vision the extreme quality of the substance". One can only be humble in terms of form, color, matter and light otherwise photography could not exist.
LensCulture Critics Choice Awards
"You have given us images that exist at the intersection of photography and painting. This intersection of photography is a conceptual confluence that is rich with potential. Color becomes the conceptual foundation of this work. Aesthetically, their success relies heavily on formal relationships - the combination and juxtaposition of form, shape, texture, and space. Your most complex images are the most compelling. I enjoy these images because I’m able to vacillate between observing it as both representational and abstract. I am drawn more toward your photographs that present a visual mystery. Ones where it takes a moment or two to identify the human form and the various shapes from nature. There are some very strong images Jerome. I encourage to keep on this track."